Green Slimer Base bleached?

The coral isn't in a good position to get a picture of it..

The base of the coral where it's been superglued to the rock is super white. About .5" of pure white, but the polyps on the other 4" of coral are extended. I've had it for over a month. Since this is the first SPS I've had that hasn't commit suicide.. I'm concerned. Should I be?
Yes if this is the first sps that has lasted a month, it would be helpful to find out your setup and current conditions in your tank. Something doesn't sound quite right. More info would help.
I also have a large monti cap I got for a great deal.. Because it's 75% dead lol. It seems to be doing fine and growing back over the dead spots.

I haven't been able to get a good pic. I really can't tell if its spreading upwards or not. It might also be that portion of the coral is really tucked in the rock its glued to.

I'll try to get a good pic tomorrow. Accidentally knocked it over and in a rescue attempt accidentally shoved it into the sand. Yeahhhh... :roll: