General Feeding Question.


Premium Member
Over the last couple of months, I've had a pretty light bioload consiting of...

Medium Potter's Angel
Single Chromis (Was 7 about 3 months ago, lol)
Small Pair of False Percs
Midas Blenny
Large Manderian

Keep in mind this is in a 120, and the activity level was a bit low for my tastes, so I've gone ahead and added in 2 austrialian inhabitants over the weekend, a decent sized Harlequien Tusk, and a Copperband.

Previoulsy I'd been feeding a single cube of mysis every other day, and It'd get devoured after a mere 1-2 minutes. Now with this heavier bioload, how often, and what would you suggest I feed? I'd like to mix in some other types of food as well as get enough for the tusk to eat.

Thanks for taking the time!
For the tusk and additional bioload, you should feed at least once a day, but ideally 2-3 times per day (small feedings). I believe once every other day could stress the tusk (they might eat your crustaceans etc. as well, you didn't state what you had for invertebrates).
I'd keep the feeding routine you currently have only hang some meaty food on clips for the Tusk daily, maybe even twice a day.