[It's been several weeks now. This is another one SPS colony that is dying slowly. I place it on top of rock where SPS is blasted with strong current. But it is still dying - you can see the white part - and some that is turning brown.
The last SPS colony - I tried to frag some - but only a small part of it survived. ] said:
[DAS is right, but it's not RTN. RTN definitely isn't that slow. There is something going on in your tank that these corals don't like. When you say blasted, you don't mean a pump is blowing directly on them do you? That is a bad thing. Coarals can only handle turbulent flow, not direct flow. What lights do you have it under and what lights was it under before going in your tank? What are ALL of your tank parameters? Specificially, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, calc, alkalinity, ph, temp, salinity, etc. And how do you have these placed in your tank? Do you have anything toxic that might have happened in your tank? like a sea cucumber that died, an SPS that very severely RTNed (I'm talking turned totally white in less that a day's time). The brown part suggests tissue deterioration/death. I would definitely look at the tank parameters and where its placed 1st of all. If all else fails, *IF they are *not* *RTNing* find a friend that will loan you some tank space until you can get your tank parameters under control.]