Does anyone use "feeder" fish?


Premium Member
I'd like to be able to offer my trigger and tangs some live food from time to time and wondered if there are any live offerings besides shrimp. Guppies?
freshwater fish, even brackish ones should not be used as their nutritional value isn't there and some are high in fats I believe

snoop around RC's FO section
I recall a thread on RC concernng feeder shrimp that where very popular. Just place them in the main tank, i even believe they would propagate as well...Im thinking of ordering some from Dr smith/foster as they sell feeder shrimp. Figure my banghi's and soon to be wrasse would appreciate that.
From time to time I feed my triggers and tangs ghost shrimps and rosy reds. I did notice that the triggers always seemed "fat and happy" when I did this. I don't know what nutritional value this has. :mrgreen: