DIY Calcium Reactor

I'm going to get an awesome paycheck in February (counting chickens before hatching, yeah yeah) and would like to add a Calc Reactor to my tank. However I would like to know if anybody knows any good plans for DIY reactors. A penny saved is a penny earned! Or any good suggestions as far as that goes...

there are a frew good DIY reactors on reefcentral and this board - I'll see if I can find the links later. I would also check the MRC and Precision Marine sites for blemished reactors as they sometimes have them discounted to a point where you can hardly buy the parts, Acrylic pipe is expensive and not very available in short lengths.
if you watch reefcentral you can pick these up for cheap

i like them alot has some features that you cant find on other calcium reactors...all you will need ileft to buy is co2 tank, ph controller, and regulator..
Definitely alot more $ than I can spare. I'd like to have a kalk dripper but there's no room under the stand for more than the sump and some extra knickknacks.
if you have auto top off i would put kalk in there...that is what i used to works till your calcium requirements get to high...

also diy two part works very well i do a capful of each everynight on my 50 gallon frag tank system and i get way faster results than when i did kalkwasser

This recipe for two part looked interesting... But I'm not sure which recipe to use since my pH is smack at 8.0 ... I suppose lowering it would be the best choice rather than raising it?
Shop the reefcentral and dfwmas used areas. I got my calc reactor for $150 shipped, and you can get the CO2 and regulators locally.

Good luck, I love mine! (I am super spoiled, I have a Calcium and a Kalkwasser reactor).

here is a diy that was for sale

also if you do two part i have extra calcium part that i am selling.
@kaledrina wrote: This recipe for two part looked interesting... But I'm not sure which recipe to use since my pH is smack at 8.0 ... I suppose lowering it would be the best choice rather than raising it? said:
This is the recipe that a lot of folks use, just use the correct recipe as far as high or low PH. There are even cheaper alternatives than store bought 2 part stuff(ESV etc.) for Calcium (leslie's pool supply hardness plus) and Alkalinity( baked or non baked baking soda) as well. The magnesium part is the one that is harder to find.

I think Walgreens carries Epsom salts. Its used to, erm, help your plumbing move along faster so it shouldn't be terribly hard to locate. The dosing sounds really really easy, I can't believe I haven't heard of it before.

Also thinking of using this:

If I can find a good deal. I just need to get some testing products too. Wow this is so easy I'm really just blown away :shock:
Okay... Um...

I guess I don't even need any of that stuff! I'll do the Ca++ test again just in case, but my alk tested at 8dKH and my Ca++ tested at 480ppm. I did a water change two days ago using Pro Coral Salt. Next week I'll test the salt and see if its giving all the Ca I need and also test the tank before the water change.

It's good to know but I was really expecting much lower calcium. On the other hand the only SPS/LPS I have are a 9-polyp candy cane, 3-head frogspawn, a credit card size (in width) Pocillopora, and a couple blastos. So should I imagine once I add more SPS/LPS to be dosing more? That's kind of high for Ca too... Eek.