Different between conch

[What's the difference between Fighting vs Queen Conch?
Are they safe around clams?

Where is a best place to get them (locally or via net)

[Hi Peter
The biggest difference is probably going to be their size. The Strumbus alatus(fighting) maxes out at about 5". The Strombus gigas(queen) can grow to over a foot. My queen is spends alot of time on the glass and rocks, but my fighting is always in the sand. I ordered both of them online, and the fighting is still adjusting after almost 4 weeks. I dont know which is the better way, but unless you are ordering something else online I would not pay shipping just for the Conch. They are pretty cheap online, not sure about the LFS. I really doubt they would hurt your clams, the only thing is maybe knocking them over if the snail is big enough. If you were to put a fighting in the sand under your clams it probably would rarely climb up there, they are great sand stirrers. I havent seen mine climb anything yet. Hope this helps! Sorry its so wordy!! :D

[Thanks Amanda. That's exactly the information I was looking for. If Queen conch is going to get huge, I'll just get fighting conch. I dont' want anything that climb on rock, knock over coral etc. That's why I get rid of my pencil urchin - plus it was eating all the purple algae.
I haven't been to the local fish stores lately, except we just visited Fish Paradise in Ft. Worth on the way back from visiting Marc and his two tanks. I don't recall seeing any conch for sale. But I'll keep looking for them locally or join a group order.]
[The Fighting is my favorite. If you can wait a couple of weeks I will be making an order around the first of June. There is a thread about it in the Open Forum.

I have two fighting conch in my 60G and they do a great job with the sand! As Amanda said I have never seen them on my glass. I bought both of my at Planet Pet for $8 each(I think).

[Thanks for the tip. If I get to it, I might stop by Planet Pet to pickup one fighting conch..and get another one or two with the order pool.]
[My queen conch is always working, sucking on stuff.
The fighting conch I had disappears for weeks at a time in
the sand. I would not worry about the queen's size.
If it get's too big, get rid of it.]
[My Fighting conch actually disappeared under the rock and sand for six months. He came out last month for a week or so and then went back under again. They are both great cleaners, though I think the Queen conch I have is a better cleaner, he has never climbed up on the rock.]
[I picked up 4 counches from Planet Pet yesterday (2 queen to Fighting) for 4.99 each got several other things one of the best SW stores in the metroplex and I have been to alot of them. Stephen the guy I talked to there was very helpful and knows his stuff. He even gave me another bag for the coral I bought with a real cheap price on it so I could put it on after I left so the wife would not know what I really paid for nice coral I bought. That says alot. :)]