Derasa Clam in 29 Gallon Biocube?


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I am new to keeping a reef tank and understanding what type of lighting is required per species. I am planning on keeping xenia, poly's, and zoas in my Biocube 29 with PC's. I currently have a bubble anenome with a maroon clown and some small poly's. There are around 10 hermit crabs, an emerald crab, 2 peppermint shrimp, and 8 snails.

I am considering buying a Derasa Clam or something similar but have received diffent opinions about if it will do well in the setup i currently have. Can someone please give me some direction on this as my wife is finally coming around and she really likes the clam, but I need to make sure it does well so I can continue in the hobby wihtout her resistance?

Thanks for all of your help.
We had 2 in my 34 gal Red Sea Max with PC/T-5's (whatever they are) with no problems. Put it on the sand for a while and place a small rock underneath its foot. Hopefully it will attach on to the rock and you can then place it anywhere on your rockscape.
Okay great. I was hoping they would be okay in the tank.

How can you tell if you need to move them up in the tank?
There are a few companies that have an LED hood replacement, but it's as much as the whole tank, if not more. You'd be better off finding someone locally to do it. Give Wayne (ImageX) a buzz. He should be able to hook you up cheaper than buying it from one of the online retailers.
@tthomas81 wrote:
Would it be difficult to upgrade the hood to T5 or LED lighting? said:
not at all, check out the hood one of our sponsors demo'd at the meeting last month. he actually brought in a biocube hood with it installed, super bright! you would be able to keep anything you wanted. (biocube is about 2/3 the way through)

Okay I understand. I really appreciate all of your help on this. It is crutial that I am as succesful as possible so my wife doesn't cut my budget. LOL
also, dont forget about your water quality. its not all about the lights. a good ATO, temp controller, and a good water change schedule will make sure you are as successful as possible.
If you don't want to change the lighting check into the PC-R bulbs from Nanotuners. The PAR is supposed to be as high as T5 or higher. I have them in my Nanocube 24 and stuff is growing like crazy. I plan on getting a derasa once my tank matures a bit more.

And +1 make sure your tank is mature and stable... how old is your tank? Conventional wisdom is to wait a minimum of 6 mos to add a clam.
The tank is only 2 months old now so I will need to wait. I think I am going to upgrade to LED's from Steves LEDs.
@tthomas81 wrote:
The tank is only 2 months old now so I will need to wait. I think I am going to upgrade to LED's from Steves LEDs. said:
Sweet aren't they?! They were even cooler in person! I want a biocube just so I can get them! Lol
I just ordered Steve's Biocube 29 retrofit last Thursday (he had a few left on the website last I checked) and hopefully will start a thread about putting it in the hood once it arrives.