Denver Zoo’s French Angel Gets Fish CT Scan

Fish Think Pink

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Denver Zoo’s French Angel Gets Fish CT Scan​


Our hobby is a strange one when compared to others in the pet sector. If your dog or cat gets ill you take them to the vet, where they are examined and treated by trained veterinary professionals. In contrast, when your fish gets ill, you usually go to your local fish store, diagnose the problem yourself, throw in some treatment, and omit any vets entirely.

This wasn’t the case for a lucky French Angelfish in a Caribbean exhibit at Denver Zoo, however, as the now seven-year-old fish got the full VIP treatment to diagnose and treat its buoyancy issues, resulting in a full recovery. After pictures went viral of the sedated fish getting an Ultrasound and then a CT Scan, Reef Builders Field Reporter Evie Hale visited Denver Zoo to get the inside scoop for us and a first-hand account of a procedure which is usually the domain of terrestrial, air-breathing animals and humans!

For whole article including video, please go to original thread located: