cpr Refugium Qusetion

Going to buy a used cpr auqa refugium. II.
it is in the tank running should i go ahead and use it as is
or clean it out and start from fresh.
Wow, it took me a minute to decipher was a rerug was. [smilie=lol.gif]

How used is used? What does it look like?
It really comes down to how you like the look of it. If it is messy, overgrown, dirty and you don't like that, clean it up and start fresh. The feed pump needs to be thoroughly cleaned regardless.

Whenever I buy something used, I clean it up like new.
Thank you for taking the time here to help me out i just dont want to screw up my tank.
Ok it is clean his tank looked nice.
Should i drain the water and put my tank water in it.
start it up.
Yes, that's the easiest way. Do you have a long drive from where it is now to get it back to your tank? You don't want it cooking in your hot car.
No it was about 45 min in a/c
Well its all done i have left my other filter system up and running along with this one at the same time.
Sounds good. Are you going to post some pictures?
I will post pic's as soon as i can fig. how to do it.
My water looks real real clear (it might just be me lol) with this thing along with my reg. pump.
The skimmer i had on my tank was a red sea prizm it had a surface skimmer. The one i picked up along with the refugium was a cpr bac pak and the pump is under water but i think they make a box to fit on it some how to surface skim, cause i am getting little film on top of the water.
I have been trying to make it to a meeting to join the dfwmas but things just seem to come up.
i live over by the money printing plant at blue mound. so its not that bad of a drive to the meeting place.
Thank you for helping me with this matter!
If you can set up the skimmer box, that will help your surface stay clean. Alternately, you can point a powerhead at the surface to keep it rippling. This will keep that stuff in suspension and allow the skimmer to extricate it from the water.

You can join online which is best. And with our upcoming frag swap, this is the time to join so you can attend.
Well i am a member now dont have a card but i am sure it will come in snail mail!
they make a mud booster to add do you know anything about using this