Could multiple Blue Tang's go in a 450?


Premium Member
Would it be worth tempting adding 3 or 4 Blue Tang's to a 450g? Or would that just be asking for inevitable fighting even in that much space? I would add them all at the same time regardless.

If not 3 or 4, would 2 (non-mated) be ok?
@Matt wrote:
I think it's doable. I would highly recommend QT and adding them at the same time. said:
Ya they would go through QT together in my 75g for 6 weeks. Gives them snuggle-happiness time :)

So whats your thoughts then to have a 'reasonable' yet safe number? 4 of them? Would it look too crammed after they get bigger?
No issues. I think you will be just fine especially if you add them at same time. You would want to add all your tangs at once if you know what you want.
Ive had 2 Yellow Tang's, 1 Sailfin Tang, and a Tenenti Tang in there for well over a year now, so may have problems with them being territorial, but by adding 4 Blue Tang's hopefully that will spread the picking around a bit.