clownfish has something in its mouth

Last night my clownfish was fine, I did a water change, and this morning it has something hanging out of its mouth. It looks like a single brown thread coming out of his mouth, then it splits off on the end with some fuzzy things hanging off the end (this is the end thats not in the mouth). Wish I could post a pic, but I can't. My guess is some type of worm, but it doensn't look like a worm, and it doesn't move. The fish is starting to get aggitated with it. He's trying to scrape it off and then he's also resting on a rock some, too.
Well I netted the fish and I got tweezers and pulled whatever it was out. It didn't look like a worm; it looked like a small part of a plant but it I don't know why it would've been stuck in his mouth like that. Hope I did the right thing.