clown fry

Is possible to successfully remove clown fish eggs before they hatch? I have my first brood due to hatch maybe Saturday. Once released, I know they will become fish food. Can I remove them before they hatch and have someone else raise them?
You will have to remove the item the eggs are amassed upon. I would suggest doing that within 24 hours of hatching, and then put them in a separate tank with an airstone bubbling up beneath the eggs to keep them moving and avoid stagnation.

Andy has raised clowns for about two years now and would have some great input I bet.
Thanks. I will try to contact him directly. I have read in detail about raising the fry and I know I am not able to deal with all that. Two teenagers is more "fry" than I can handle. Still I would hate to see those cute little Nemos eaten without being given a chance.