Cloudy water at night and clear gradually when light is turning on.


Premium Member
Hi everyone,
I don't know what happen to my reef tank at night because it looks quite cloudy in the morning when lights have not turned on and it is clearing itself when the light turns on. I have added carbon & Chemi pure to see if it can clear things up but It didn't work so far. The tank is almost 8 months old. I also notice an increase in brown hair algae on the rock. I have been also dosing Redsea nOpox 2 ml per day. Tank is 75 gallon, ALK 10.6, CAL 500, MAg 1600. Nitrate and phosphate are below 1. Please advise. 
Sounds like a bacteria bloom. Generally does not harm your stock and will clear on its own after a few days. It along with you algae is a sign of some issues as well as the fact that they clear in the light helps to identify they type. BRS did some helpful videos on it and if I remember I found some helpful responses on here as well as R2R forums.