Cleaner Goby vs. SHs

I had to euthanize my Clarkii Clownfish several days ago. His buddy was a cleaner goby. Really pretty, neon blue streak on both sides and silver down the spine. I am getting to my question as quickly as possible. The only tanks available are Seahorse tanks. I can't stand the thought of it being alone in a tank. I already have two in my 55 and one gets chased back into the rocks. I don't want another taking up someone's space. What are your thoughts on the neon cleaner goby and SHs sharing? Thanks Shirley
I have a feeling it will be fine in there. I have Fang in the tank with Casper.
Thanks Marc for the reply. I panicked and put it in with the others. I can not believe it but the agressive one is doing ok. The three are swimming in a school like nothing is different. I wanted to clean Clarkii's tank really good before moving fish so I had cleaner goby in a speciman container. I was concerned about the air so rather then loose it I went ahead and put it in the 55. Thank you so much for the reply. I was so scared that I was going to loose this beautiful fish. Shirley