OK i pick up a clam at a lfs. IT is a 5in maxima, i also own 3 other
Croceas. When i bought him he didnt look the best but i thought i was because there was sea weed around him but i am not so sure thats why he wasnt opened up all the way. Is there any reason that he would be half open.
I'm not positive but that looks a little like "Pinched Mantle" going on. Go to reef central and search in the clam forum for Pinched Mantle and see what you can find.
Do you have a lot more light than what they had it under at the store. It might be acclimating to the light.
Don't just blame the store, maybe do a little research before you buy next time. Often the customer can be more informed than the store employees or owner. I would also check for pyramid snails on the bottom of the foot. Good luck with it, most clams are pretty tough and can pull through.

Yea i read some stuff on clam direct. What a guy did is dip it in fresh water at
the same temp for 20 to 30 min and it worked fine.
Do you now anyone that has tried it personally?
@bigdmarshall wrote:
How close would it have to be? said:
Pretty exact... when dipping in FW you want to keep everything as close to your tank parms as possible, except the salinity of course. Temp/Alk and pH. You can buffer the ph to get it where it should be.