Chiller Questions

Does anyone know what size chiller I would need on my 210 gallon reef tank, I have 3- 250 watt metal haylides and 6- 48" T-12.

depending on what you keep your house at during the day just a couple fans will be fine. i have basically the same set up and its all i need through the summer to keep my tank at 79.
Hey Wes, you mean couple of canopy fans. I keep my house at 75 in summer and winter, my tank temperature gets up to 84 degress.
same temp i keep mine at, i used the cheap 10 buck desk fan jobs from home depot pointing directly at the water in my sump. my controller turns them on and off and regulates the temp. you evaporate a lot more but its manageable.

these are them i guess i caught them on sale.
yep, sitting face down on the sump directly at the water. only probably 3 inches from it.

now, i have also done this in the past and will likely try it again but it is a lot more expensive route. fans are 20+ each and the tray is like 30, plus you have to wire it yourself. not sure how even a two fan rig would fair on a 210 but i will know this summer. if not back to good ole reliable desk fans -