Can you fix a broken Featherduster tube? Pic

I dont have a picture but I did see it happen. 4" Peppermint carting off brand new red and white Feather Duster worm (head and all).

I got four so the prudent thing to do was move the remaining three to the fug until I could rearrange. In the process a feather lost his tube. I put him in a dead dusters tube and he seemed happy. When I woke up this morning the feather was on the sand and the previously dead duster was back and out.

Here's that pic;

With the tubeless worm just hanging out in the sand, whats the next step? Make a temporary tube for him or just leave it alone?

So they're safe in the fug right.....wrong, 2.5" peppermint living in the fug. Funstuff.
Featherdusters will occassionally divest themselves of their crown from stress. They may regrow it's rumored. Check out
Nope....the whole worm (and crown) is out of the tube.

The Peppermint removed one and apparently started on this one. When I put him in the fug the whole worm with crown was without tube.

This is a tubeless featherduster.
they will sometimes leave their tube if they are stressed or if they dont like where they are. He will build a new tube from the sand particals in a few days. Just leave him alone in the sand and make sure he is not disturbed by shrimp.
They will definitley regrow their whole tube.

I had one that I placed one day. I wanted to move it the next day. I didn't realize it had already attached it's foot to a rock. I ended up ripping the whole tube off!!! I freaked out, but over a period of a few weeks it regrew a brand new one!
May want to take a 2 litrt jug and cut it in half and drill small holes tht the shrimp can not get into..

Put it over the worm so he is left alone while he is trying to survive.
May need to kinda spot feed him while he is building