Can AC3 run wireless?

My computer router and aquarium are on opposite walls so I need my AC3 to be wireless like my laptop. I know this is newby question, but after I get it working with the ethernet cable, what do I need to get it to set it up for wireless? I know we discussed this, but can't remember that part.

Also on the ph probe, the instructions don't say you have to calibrate it before you use it the first time, just calibrate periodically. So could I just place the ph probe in and see what happens without calibration?

The pH probe is probably calibrated, but I would want to make sure. As far as the wireless hookup, I do not know.
to test calibration all yo uneed is ph 4.0 and ph 10.0 solution which are like a buck a piece, i would calibrate it like Rick said just to be safe.

also, what you need to make it wireless is a GAME adapter. They range from $80 - $100 anywhere. Do you already have a wireless router? If not you need one of those too.
As stated you need a wireless game adapter or you can get a wireless bridge. I believe someone on the board picked up one at Fry's for around $30.
pH calibration for saltwater is 7.0 and 10.0 not 4.0. I do recommend that you test it regularly. Some seem to drift over time. Once it begins to fluctuate to often, replace the probe.

As to the wireless, yes a game adapter is a great option.
To calibrate, it depends on what you are going to use the pH probe to measure. If you are using it in the tank, pH 7 and pH 10 are the best 2 points. In a calcium reactor, pH 4 and pH 7 are better.

Thanks for the link on the game adapter, I guess I need to run to Fry's at lunch now.
with my controller i was shipped 7 and 10, so hmmm...i need to buy a 4 now to calibrate for my calcium efluent drip?
I wouldn't go right out and purchase it today, maybe on your next order from MD or Premium, just add it on. It shouldn't matter that much, as long as you have a 2 point calibration you should be fine, but you will be better off calibrating to a known reference range that your tested value will be in.
@chrisrush wrote:
will be better off calibrating to a known reference range that your tested value will be in. said:
theres the reason, sweet...thanks! and now back to Kay's normal boradcast...

let us know if you grab one and have questions, it is quite easy to set up though...
The Fryes in Las Colinas only has one dlink gaming adapter left when i went during my lunch time
I think Fry's had a Buffalo-Tech Gaming Access Point for about $49 when I was at the one in Plano last week too.
I dont know much about these controllers but I have done a lot of wireless serial communications in the past. I am guessing but dont most of these devices have serial ports? You can get a dual serial tranceiver set and basically extend it wirelessly if you want. There are lots of turn key kits out there is you look around.

This is a example of a blue tooth wireless setup for serial.
Ya I use the buffalo one referenced above with my AC3 and I can access wirelessly. It's what my sig is accessing. Now if I could just get aquanotes to do it!
I just bought one of the adapters at Frys. They had 19 left in stock. I'm going to see how it works with my Profilux this week.