Bulk Reef Supply Group Buy


Premium Member
[-Cancelled-]I'm looking to start one either this Saturday or next. We need ten people signed up before we can start. Post your interest here and PM me your email used to register on their site if interested. It has to start on a Saturday and runs for three days.http://www.bulkreefsupply.comThey work a bit different if you have never done it before. Everyone creates an account and orders their own stuff. Some items have discounts but all items get a 10% credit back in rewards to use later plus free shipping. Super easy and worth it no matter how much you may need.You can read more about it here - http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/customer-center/group-buysJust let me know y'all, thanks. Participants -----------------------wesCalendorJoedjd3monsublime-1
Added! I guess I will just keep creating a new post and repeat the list because I can't edit the top post any more. WesCalendorJoe 
<hr /><hr />I need to order some RODI filters and stuff so I'm in.  Just let me know when we get to 10, because I need to order fairly soon.   
Thanks, I'm hoping to start the group buy this Saturday so hopefully we have it by then. 5 more...
Cancelled, just not enough interest here anymore. I remember when these happened almost monthly. Shame, oh well. Sorry guys, I am joining the R2R one, you can too. Just follow this link-https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/spring-has-sprung-so-has-the-r2r-april-group-buy.298845/
Well that is sad.... but thanks for letting me know about the reef2reef group. I'm signed up. 