BTA Please help!!!!

no it wont... you must give it to me ASAP so I can bury it properly...

seriously, though, I have no idea... hopefully you've moved it someplace else and put a strainer on the input. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
I turned off the pumps and he's begining to remove himself off of the pipe. As soon as he gets off i'm going to move to a safe place and HOPE he lives, I'll gust have to give some extra TLC and see what happens I guess. He is moving tho. I guess that can be a good sign. Right???
You know I wonder if something is going on Our anenome has not moved since we put it in th tank and this weekend it decides to move.
Now I am on the forums alot, and it might be just me but there seems to be a lot of moving anenomes in the last week.

Maybe the changes in the weather (heat one day, AC the next) causing changes in tank temps?

I agree, very strange. (knock on wood, our anmones are firmly planted.)
For what it's worth, my BTA, which had been in one spot for nearly five years but started hiking about 3 months ago, has NOT moved in the last month or so...
You need to drill many more holes on the intake of your closed loop. By adding more holes, you reduce the suction factor and livestock has the ability to crawl away unharmed.

Hope your BTA heals up.
Thank's Marc. I've gotten my sump set finaly and got rid on the close loop. Thank for the tip. Oh and he's doing very well. I've been hand feeding him and he's eating well. his BT tenticles are also becoming somewhat colorful again and bubbly, just have to give the ugly duckling sone time to recover. :lol: I really thaught he was a gonner.
That's great. It really helps that he's not being pounded by a clownfish right now.