Brown algae

What is this brown algae substance? Is there a way that I can get rid of it? It’s starting to look unattractive in the tank :(


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Looks like a diatom bloom to me. Is it a new tank? Pretty common for new tanks to go through that stage. Sometimes referred to as the “ugly stage”. Usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. I’ve heard copepods eat it if you want to look into going that route. I think some inverts do too.
Looks like a diatom bloom to me. Is it a new tank? Pretty common for new tanks to go through that stage. Sometimes referred to as the “ugly stage”. Usually goes away on its own after a few weeks. I’ve heard copepods eat it if you want to look into going that route. I think some inverts do too.
This ^

Also, welcome to the hobby. Take it slow and do your research. That will not only help your reef survive but will also keep you in the hobby longer with less headaches and heartbreaks!
Yes it’s a new tank setup I think only a couple of months 1-3? Somewhere in between, so far I have 8 small fish in a 110 gallon 2-3” max. Thanks guys I will try to be patience with this hobby.