Brine shrimp hatchery

ok so im new to this growing part and im following all of the steps on marc site i just wanted to post some changed i made to the setup.

Since i have access to these three-way valves i used one of them to help me with the hatchery then i added a roller clamp to the drain line so that i can prevent dripping while i am turning the valve

will post more pictures later but here is the jist.

the valve has the option to close one of the three ports.

during growing stage the port leading to the drain is off

during the resting stage (before you drain the shrimp) you turn off the port leading to the hatchery

To drain the shrimp turn the valve to the port to the air pump is off (make sure you turn off or unplug the air pump as to not wear out the pump when that line is closed

i will post better pics and more instructions once this first batch is done and let you know how it works