Breeder tank requirements

Those of you successfully breeding H. erectus, what do your setups include? Trying to compile some info on the breeding requirements.
Things like what kind of lighting, skimmers, LR or not, live plants or fake, sand bed or not, flow, and of course actual water conditions. This is strictly for the breeding pairs though, not the fry tanks.
Thanks in advance for any and all input.
My setup is pretty simple: 30G tall eclipse (all in one filtration) with 65w 50/50 pc. Lots of live rock, caulpera and a few softie corals. No skimmer, no uv. I keep the temperature at about 74-75, salinity 1.024, ph=8.2. That's about all I test for. I feed hikari frozen mysis.

This setup has worked very well for me but I will upgrading to a 42g cube in a few weeks with sump and refugium because I just love the look of cubes.

@charley75 wrote:
Those of you successfully breeding H. erectus said:
i have reidi.
feed live white shrimp or frozen hikari
30 g tal with a ssb
lighting - NO - (no corals)
no plants
flow i have the return, for the pump i use a mj 1200
skimer - prisem, rated for a 40 gal i think
temperature at about 74-75, salinity 1.024-1.025
perameters are 0-0-10, PH about 8.1-8.2
LR (i have prob about 20#s of LR and 15# base) with lots of places for talls to rap around

Ours tank parameters are pretty much the same as Carolyn's. You can check out some pictures and other details at:

Lee and Shaunda