Blue line Grouper

In less than a week I have a Blue line Grouper ariving. I have found some care tips on them. But nothing specific. Has anyone ever kept one of these or similar grouper?

He's about 14 inches long.

We have had our bearded grouper for a long time. They only need to be fed a few times per week. Feed them meaty foods like krill or silversides. They are not usually aggressive with tank mates unless trying to eat them. Be careful when selecting tank mates because they are capable of swallowing a fish almost the same size as them.
He arrived safe and sound, and is thriving in a clients tank.
These are really awesome fish. If anyone ever has the space for one, definetly get one.

As soon as I can find a nicely priced small one I am on it.

He is looking really nice in a 150. Eats whole shrimp. In the boss's office in a restaurant. They feed him the raw shrimp from the kitchen. Not sure that's the best choice, but it's thier money.

Thanks for the help.
