Auto Aqua Smart ATO not so smart


Premium Member
So I bought a new Smart ATO at the beginning of July, but I am sending it back tomorrow because it just won't work for my system.

Currently, I run two MAG 1800's, in alternation every 6 hours, for my return. However, due to piping, flow rates, pump matching and what not, I get different flows from each pump. This in turn causes the return chamber in my sump to fluctuate about 1 inch depending upon which pump is running. You can obviously see why this ATO won't work, as I do now, although I didn't think about that when I bought it...

So now I am out to find a new ATO that can handle the fluctuation and still maintain my water level at the right amount. Leaning towards one of two options.

1. Puratek Auto Level Controller
2. Make my own from a Raspberry Pi, 3 or 4 level sensors and a pump.

It looks like the Puratek might be able to handle it by adding additional sensors and using the programmable option. Anyone have experience with the Puratek?

If I have to I'll just build it myself as ,I am a software developer by trade so writing the code for the RPi system is not an issue, it will just take parts and time. Anyone have any home grown systems they have set up?
The only thing I can suggest is two separate top off kits. That way if you have the 1" fluctuation, it's on ATO #2 instead of ATO #1. What size tank is this that you have these dual pumps on?
It's a 120 long....I already had the pumps and the idea was, I didn't want steady laminar flow and I didn't want to buy a squid or diverter. System works great except for the ATO (my last piece of hardware). Running two ATO's might be a good way to go. Maybe two JBJ's? Although I'd like optical sensors. I'll have a look around the web to see what I can locate...