assessor help


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I picked up a Golden Assessor at MACNA and have him in a QT right now and am having trouble getting it to eat. I have tried everything: Rods, frozen mysis, frozen blood worms, flakes, 4 different kinds of pellets and it still will not eat. I have ordered some live brine shrimp from liveaquaria but it will not get here until Wednesday. Any ideas to get it to eat?
My ORA one eats everything, I'd just give him a couple days and keep trying. Be sure the tank has good filtration and something for him to hide in.
@Wes wrote:
My ORA one eats everything said:
Same here mine eats everything (rods foods and rods pacific plankton) prob just getting use to the tank.
Do you have a cave for him to hide in? He may just not be comfortable in the QT.
The QT is a bare bottom but I do have PVC fittings in the tank for it to hide in. There is also a HOB filtration maybe he will start eating just worried since it has been around 1.5 weeks.
Around Wed he started acting like he wanted to eat but spit out everything that i tried to give him. I tried every frozen food that I could find along with every pellet and flake but he kept on spitting them out. I ordered some live brine shrimp from LiveAquaria and it finally arrived on Friday and he ate those like a champ. Now I am gona try to mix some frozen and live together for as long as I can keep the live brine shrimp alive. I hope that by this point he will get use to the frozen??

I talked to ProAquatics and they said that he should eat anything that I give him so I am hoping that he is still in "shock" and getting use to his new surroundings. Everyone that I have talked to that has had on said that they are toughest fish around and to not to worry about it.