Anemone Splitting Takes A Long Time


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My anemone is splitting and it's been 3 days. I noticed it on Monday morning. Based on my online research, it should be completed over night. I still see some tissue connecting. The feet are separated. One foot on bottom rock, the other foot on top rock. You can see the stretchy tissue in the pic, I think it's its mouth. Is it normal?

Mine have always split within a day.

It does look like his mouth is *stuck* and I've never seen that. They can get out of the strangest positions and spots. If you start to see any of his tissue thinning or floating around, then really worry. Right now, Can you get anything in there to touch him lightly to get him to retract and pull away from where he appears to be stuck? ... Julian's Thing, turkey baster anything to barely touch him.

Is that peppermint shrimp dead or alive? Is he connected at all. It's really hard to tell as I am also not seeing the split.
Peppermint shrimp is alive. He hangs around in the same cave. The anemone still hosts a clown fish. I was hoping the clown will help it separate. I'll try to aim a power head on it tomorrow. Is it a good idea?
ME ... I would not aim a powerhead at him -- you don't want to force a rip. It looks horrible -- like a big chunk of his mouth is caught on something and he is trying to stretch away from it. I was suggesting you irritate him a *little* to get him to retract and if he himself rips when he retracts and closes, he will stay closed to self heal. It could be a few hours or a few days.

When mine *split*, there is always one of them that stays in a *ball* form for a few days. I've always considered it a self healing/protection mode -- but they do that too when they eat.

Your nem is in a nasty situation and hopefully someone else has had the same happen to them and can advise you.
Still stuck together this morning. You can see the pink tissue stretched to the top.
Okay ... that is a much better picture. This does not look like a damaged mouth. That almost split part that is upside down isn't looking so hot right now, but, Let him do his thing. Do you see the larger part is curling up in a ball? That is good and it will probably help finish the split. I say from this picture it looks normal and just as you posted -- it is taking a long time to split.
How long have you had him and what kind of lighting do you have? I have seen several others with splits that take a several days.
Wife told me they were detached around noon today. Yay.

I have it in my tank for 5 months. I have DIY LED.