Amazed at LFS, once again...

I gave my dad my Red Sea Max 130 (34-gal) and his cycle has completed and he's ready to buy his first fish. He is at a LFS today and they have the nerve to recommend a sailfin tang to him as his first fish. It really pisses me off that our LFS that we are supposed to support are out there giving advice like this. A tang in a 34-gal??? This is why I steer more towards ordering online sometimes and I'm OK not supporting those great stores that give such good advice. I know they aren't all like that and I shouldn't be shocked that we have stores like this, but it's really disappointing.
nice...thats why when you find a good LFS you stick to it. there are some i purposely avoid because of stuff like this even though they may have something nice i want. sometimes a little longer drive for a better LFS is worth it.
Yes, I've always been a fan of Neptune's Cove, so I met him over there and Bill took care of us once again. Great shop with great advice, and plenty of it. It was my dad's first time speaking with Bill, so it was funny watching him try to keep up, lol...
do u think maybe the salesman was not familiar with the red sea max 130 and thought it was a 130g tank when he told him what tank he had? i'll be honest, im not at all familiar with the nano sized tanks so if someone told me they had a red sea max 130 i would think 130g. not saying thats what happened, or trying to cover for the store.. just sayin :)
Also could have been a new kid... I have had good luck at Dallas North Aquarium personally. They still have the occasional new kid, but they always find and ask a veteran before saying anything for sure. Yes, they're more expensive than other lfs's but the sayin holds true, "you get what you pay for."
@TexasDude wrote:
The guy knew what the RSM was, because he told my dad to just bring it back and trade it in when it got too big. I don't like people who give advice like that. Sure, it's possible to do that, but it can be bad for the fish and the buyer. We all know how hard it is to catch most fish and the stress that it brings.

@escaudio wrote:
Also could have been a new kid... said:
Could have been, but is that really acceptable?? Should the LFS allow their newbies to go out and recommend fish and it be OK just because they are new and ,ay not have a clue what they are talking about? I just hold our LFS's on a higher pedestal than that and wish they took the time to properly train their employees better than that.

I also believe people should research before they go in a store and know what they are buying, and I'm glad my dad called me to discuss what he was being told prior to making any purchases. I think keeping a link to a fish website like Live Aquaria on your phone is always a great tool because it can save you from making a big mistake. If you find something you like, jump on the internet and get the basic description and care needs and it should tell you if its even possible for you. I may be the only one that does that, but sometimes I find myself looking for one thing, then seeing something else and wondering if it would work. Having some sort of a guide at your fingertips is always great tool to have. I'm beating this down my dad's throat - "don't buy it if you don't know what it is and how to care for it". We all struggle with it and I've been guilty of it myself...
Yeah. I love DNA. Its a nice store and I've seen some fish there I haven't seen at other stores but... a few weeks ago I called up there and asked if they had an MP40 on stock. The lady put me on hold and when she came back she said " we currently don't have any of the vorteX(ch) pumps in stock. You could try home depot"... .. .. wtf? So I would say, do ur own research and pick what u like.. cuz u never know what kind of person u talking to.. still a nice store though!
maria almost learned the hard way to stick to the good stores this weekend, she stopped by one on her way home to get another conch and the store she went into tried to sell her a conch for 70 bucks! thankfully she knew better and we went to fish2morow to get one exactly the same for only 20. sometimes i wonder about these places. she even said the employee said 'you gotta love our prices'