Alien Eyes

I don't recall if I post this one before..but it is one of my favorite.

I was wondering why you'd post a zoanthid picture in the SPS forum. Then I saw the picture. That is one pretty coral. What is it?
Peter, is the light frame slowly collapsing, or is that just a trick of the eye in that picture? :shock:
Actually, I thought the water was running off the edge to the right of the picture, not the light. Does the tank sit uneven?
Oh! Wow, that must have taken some time, getting the water to hit the edge, without going over!

The corals look great, Peter!
Thanks Cathy.

Chuck - it never spills over because of wavebox alone. It did spill over is when I direct Tunze stream to that corner. There is about 1/4 of an inch before the water would spill over.