Aiptasia Zapper - Any Preference!!!!


Premium Member
I am looking to get rid of those pesty aiptasia. I haven't had any success with injections. They keep hiding back into their tiny holes. Now there is too many to conquer. I have been doing reasearch on the zapper. And noticed two types with a big price difference. So please give me your two cents worth.

Which Zapper works best?
Majano Wand - Mojano & Aiptasia Zapper Retail $114.99
SWC Xtreme Mojano& Aiptasia Electrocuter Retail $79.99
I am using peppermint shrimp in my fuge moving the rock with the aiptasia, but I'm looking for a quicker way to keep it from spreading worst.
I have pep shrimp but they cant keep it under control I bought some aiptasia-x by red sea and used it exactly like they said and have has no returning pests for 3 weeks now worked great for me 18.99 at franks tanks
Idk why people charge so much for the zappers, my husband made one out of cheap stuff that was laying around the house. He had it finished in about 10 mins and it was extremely effective....maybe we should start making them and selling them lol...