Aiptasia outbreak


Premium Member
I have had a realllly hard time trying to take care of my aiptasia outbreak over the past year or so. I've gone through a lot of Joe's Juice and just recently started using Aiptaisa X pretty successfully. It is not 100% though, because a week or so later I have probably 50-60 visible left. I found a bunch in my overflow box which I hadn't ever checked before, and also down in my sump. I took care of them and since have covered them both to keep light from getting in so that they won't grow out of sight.

Any recommendations on getting rid of this stuff for good? I ordered another bottle of Aiptasia X that I should get shortly since i'm almost out of the first bottle. Should I just keep hitting it over and over with aiptaisa X until it is gone? I see myself going through a ton of bottles and missing a bunch of stalks of the stuff every time. It's really hard to spot all of them since some are so tiny.

I have also tried peppermint shrimp unsuccessfully. They are always dead the next morning.

Recommendations? :(
I've had better success with Blue Life Aptasia Control. How are you acclimating the shrimp. Doesnt sound right that they would die the next morning. Might need to check copper levels but the shrimp would go crazy eating the aptasia.

Good Luck !
Yes, I think that you need to stay on top of it until they are gone, but also keep in mind how much of the chemical you are adding to that fixed amount of gallons per session. For example if my tank had 1000 aiptasia in it, I wouldn't nuke them all because I wouldn't want that much in the water at once. I'd work systematically to reduce sections every couple of days, allowing the corals to adjust and the equipment to filter it out. After a while, their population will be so low that you can hit all the ones you see.

I have a few in my tank, and I go in occasionally to wipe them out. But I don't stay on top of it so they never go away entirely. That's my own fault.
@Marc wrote:
Yes said:
Thanks Marc. I guess I'll keep going at it in rounds like you mention. Looks like the Blue Life product recommended above says it doesn't change water parameters (and I think aiptaisa X says the same), but I would imagine that is "within reason". So yeah, i'll try to do sections at a time from now on rather than going after every single one.

I was at a pet store that had a bit of saltwater stuff at Marsh/Frankford yesterday and noticed they had aiptasia in every tank, ha. At least I'm not the only one with it. Hopefully i can keep it under enough control to only have a few pop up every once in a while to nuke.
I've got about five that keep coming back. I hit them with Aptasia X. But for some reason they keep coming back. My peppermint won't touch them.
I think we have all discussed this on several different threads here. I found that attacking it with anything just seems to make is spawn and end up everywhere. I have a few in my tank and leaving it alone it has not spread off the rock it is on and there are only 2 - 3 visible. My plan, since one is getting pretty big is to just take the rock out of the tank, let it die off and then cook it again and return it to the tank or just discard the rock all together. IMHO.

Removing the rock to a bucket of water from a water change and trying to treat it there and or scrub it clean, (after using your favorite method of killing it) might be a better option if you need to keep the rock. You could clean the rock in one bucket, rinse it over that bucket and then put it in another bucket for a day or two to see if there is any left on the rock.

Good luck!!!!
I tried Joe's Juice for a while, but the only thing that ended up eradicating them from my system was a Copper Band Butterfly. He really went to town on them. I was worried once he ran out of them he'd starve to death, but he acclimated to frozen food just fine. You might give it a try when you get to your wits end.