Acropora staghorn (green) question

[Was wondering if anyone has ever seen this. I picked up some Green Staghorn at the frag exchange/meeting (don?t remember from who, I want to say Nathan...but not sure)

When I got home that night, I was like most, up very late mounting and placing frags :p :D :p

This is the question:

The frag has been doing great (Polyps out/great color) but I noticed over the time it has been in the tank, a 3mm patch has formed from the entry of the putty (where the frag is mounted) up, it has died (skeleton) but after the 3mm patch it looks great. Is this something that will continue to spread? Or is this a " toxic bruise" from where it entered the putty? Will it grow back? Or is it on the fast track down??

All input is welcome/thanks

I know, that was more than one question :blush:]

Edited By Tpeck on 1102056374
[have a pic of it? I didnt have any stag for sale at the swap,, Unless its the same as the Microstag I have.. Is it this? If so the ones I brought were all unmounted of this species

[The tissue should heal along the base and grow downward and over the putty at one point.]
[Can you post a pic?

I tend to agree with Marc. That is is probably just the fragging mounting wound and it will heal up and start encrusting the epoxy. Watch it closely to make sure the spot is not getting bigger. In fact it should get smaller!!]