70 watts for 6 gallon

I think that would be fine. Just as long you dont have a hood, and have some sort of airflow between the light and water, you should be good to go.
you might be ok, I run a 70w on my 7 gallon (with canopy) and I stay around 82-83 and top off once or twice a day. With the open top and no canopy I wouldn't think it would be that bad, but you might end up getting a small fan to dissipate some of the heat. I could definately see evaporation being an issue
I think that you would be ok. I have a 36watt pc about 5 inches from the water and i have to run 2 small pc fan during the day to keep the temp down. So I would think as long as you have it high enough off the water and top off enough that you will be ok. What are you planning on keeping in this tank that you want to use a MH?