300g build- update

the other thread was getting too long so i thought i would show some new pics here. I finally got my controller hooked up and the tunze multi-controller hooked up, the litermeter hooked up and the triggersystems 300 skimmer hooked up. Things to do....

1. hook up the PM kalkwasser reactor...need help with this one
2. figure out how module 2 of the liter meter runs the kalkwasser reactor
3. replace conductivity probe with new one (have it, just have not put it in)
4. replace iwaki close loop pump with dart pump
5. add about a 35g acrylic top off container
6. make new probe holders for the sump
7. make close loop plumbing work with my water change plan...hope it works.

enjoy - feed back +/- is always appreciated...still learning the best way to do things!
my sherman after it split! dang i wish it had not split, it was friggin huge about 15 inches....oh well they will get there one day.
now the brains of it all. when scott had his system catch on fire i cut up my wine cabinet and turned it to a brain on wheels. i have the tunze control boxes and drivers mouted in there, 2 dj powerstrips and 3 electronic ballasts, octopus 3000 controller and x-10 modules...all nice and neat in a rollable cabinet. The only thing electrical that i have right now is the 2 pumps, fan, fuge light and litermeter pump...i am considering adding the litermeter pump because if it looses suction or gets a leak it can not bring anymore water in to it as long as it is higher than the containers...thoughts?
dont jinx yourself phillie phill....i started with a 29 half hex, 75, 125, 210, and now the 300....i am already wanting a 460! We are going to put hardwood down in the spring and i think that might be time for an upgrade...right! Best part is that i can use my existing stand and canopy since the new tank is simply taller...gotta love it!
Here is the temp litermeter set up and skimmer. The litermeter is an awesome dosing unit. It can pull and push water and run up to 26 gpd..i love it. once you figure how much ou are dosing out each day, set the flow rate to match and wait. The pump turns on 150 times a day, awesome and very easy to use. I am evaporating about 3 gpd and i have it set to dose 15.50 liters per day...equates about 2.6gpd...still fine tuning. No float switches and no worries about friggin snails, alge or any of the above.

I love sitting on my loveseat and looking back through the living room and seeing such a cool tank.
how do you like the lumabright reflectors? i am going to order some this weekend
Lumabright? I was not aware that is what they are called. I bought them directly from coralvue technologies as the luminarc LIII reflectors. Is there a different description for them? Either way, i love them, they rock to me and provide a great deal of coverage. I would highly recommend them as i only have 3 on an 8 foot tank and it is plenty of light for my needs.

You are in flowermound, correct? You are more than welcomed to come over and check them out and see the lights. I use the coralvue electronic ballast, luminarc reflectors and reeflux 12k bulbs. great combo.
Did you get the round ones has 24 facets....These are what replaced the L3 as the guy that created them is no longer with Coralvue from what i hears

@dp1416 wrote:
now the brains of it all. when scott had his system catch on fire i cut up my wine cabinet and turned it to a brain on wheels. said:
sorry for the noob question but how does this help protect against fire? Is it to just keep it away from the saltwater?
Yes, these are the ones with the 24 facets, i learn something new everyday.

Bryan, the concept of keeping fires away is to keep the electrical as far away from the water as possible. I have far less chances of getting my electrical components wet since they are remotley located. water usually drips down and if there is not much under, chances are less. at least that is my 2 pennies.
heat issues? No, my tank temps are right at 81 with the fans running. I run one 10 inch honeywell fan over my sump and that is about all. If you are asking about the canopy, it is a false canopy. THe canopy is completley open top and open back so there is alot of air circulation. Look at my other thread and you can see the pics of the ligts and canopy if you would like.