3 ponies from ORA at MACNA

Well, after 2 months with no fish, and no seahorses in my tank. Only one week before I plan to move the 70g to the new house to [FINALLY] start cycling it. I win these 3 beauties. That I did not expect, but am very pleased to recieve. I am expecting 3 more in from a private breeder on seahorse.org Wednesday morning. Those I did expect. I can't wait to set up my 70g now. With it almost fully stocked and not even with water in it yet. Without further adeu:
Last one, and a canary blenny also won from ORA.

These guys all arrived dark/black, but I've already seen between the mated pair, flashings of white, tan, yellow and amber. It looks like this one wants to be yellow, but I don't have alot of yellow in my tank. Looks like I'll be adding alot more yellow to the 70g :wink:.
Cute Seahorses Jaguar. Once they settle in they will probably color up.

If I was there I wouldn't have been able to resist the barb in that ORA tank. I want it.

Are you prepared for fry yet...it's never ending.
I sort of am. I have the kestral type fish bowls set up, but erectus hitch at birth, maybe I won't need that type. I have a 5g here that could be a fry tank. I'm hoping there too young still. The male with more frosting is an amber color, but they are still figuring out where the food comes from, and not liking my feeding station. I might build another one later for the big tank.
Wow. . . :shock: One of the new additions from today is bright, bright yellow, the other is pink/peach/rose colored and the third is a mottled in between both colors. The two males from ORA just realized 2 new females of bright color are in the tank with them and are flashing white/beige and having a dominance discussion. This is going to make for some great photos later in the evening when the lights come on. I can't imagine be happier with any other type of fish. 8) It's offical, we now have Herd Jag Ponies over here.
Well the other 3 of the herd is here. The photos aren't the best. There's the silly one that decided the powerhead cord is the place to be (peach/rose coloring). The yellow one that likes that spot of halimedia. The three in in one photo is 2 of the ORA ponies and one of the new ponies.
Wow Jag they are so nice ! I cant wait to see them in that new tank you have for them.

It was nice meeting you at macna.
Thanks Bump! MACNA was a blast! I can't wait til they are in the new tank either. Right now I am doing 20% WCs every other day. :shock: The nitrates will not stay even under 20ppm otherwise. :? The poor little 20g gets 2 cubes of mysis a day, but all ponies are getting fatter by the second. My sun coral is loving all the extra attention as well. I'm glad I have a little bit of know how. I would be looking at alot of miserable tank inhabitants otherhow. They are finally figuring out what the feeding station is, and at least half flock to it when they smell food in the water. The other half goes right underneath it where the food falls out.

The tank was moved yesterday, however we won't have electricity until Tuesday there :sad: . So we'll finish moving everything into the new house today, and spend the next few nights here, until the AC gets turned on over at the new house. Then I'll add water and start the cycle.

What's really funny is we're moving it in the house, and Lee goes, we should put it. . .right here in the living room, so everyone can see it. I said no, I want to be able to see my seahorses all the time, and I'm at the computer more then anywhere else. We actually had a 'discussion' over it. I said no, look I'm glad you agree we should have a nice big tank in the living room :twisted:, and there will be. Soon. Very, very soon. He said, but that 55g of yours doesn't have a stand, I don't want a DIY ugly looking one. I said, oh honey, don't worry I promise I was going to sell that for a big 75g anyhow. Same size, just taller. HE talked ME into a 'nice big fish tank' in the living room. :twisted: How amazing is that. Everyone that came over to help move he dragged over to my little 20g to 'show off' the new seahorses and my tank proudly. He hasn't even looked at it yet, but he went showing if off like it was his almost. :roll:
Well we moved them and the tank Tuesday. I waited the bad part of the sand storm to put them in early Wednesday morning. Dopey is a rosey color again. The 2 male ORA ponies flash white/tan/beige and eventually go back to black/brown. I'll have to take some photos of them practicing there courting on one another. :roll: I think the yellow one is a darker shade of yellow right now, but seahorses typically change colors to there surroundings. I don't have alot of yellow, but the ORA ponies seem to like being a reddish brown instead of the black color they started at.

The 70g is in cycle, actually I'm going to test the water to see where it's at.