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  1. B

    Adding fish to my first tank

    Hi DFWMAS i have a 55 gallon saltwater tank, well setting it up actually. But i have a list of fish that i want to put in the 55 gallon, so i want to know if i can put these fish together in a 55 gallon and where i can purchase them for a good price.<ol>Two Gold Striped Maroon ClownsOne Yellow...
  2. B

    Nicrew led light good for saltwater?

    Hi I'm looking for a light for my 55 gallon  aquarium and I saw the nicrew led light for about $50 on amazon , I just wanna know if this light is good for a reef tank. Note I will mainly be growing soft corals in the 55.
  3. B

    Converting freshwater to salt water

    So I have a 55 gallon long freshwater tank, and I want to turn it into saltwater. I have 2 HOB filters, a power head with controller, and a 200 watt heater. I also want to include that I will be doing the soft corals, I also have live rock and sand. So I just really wanna know is there anything...