Recent content by Kellsindell

  1. K

    Online purchase help

    Has anyone ever ordered from ? I'm really interested in purchasing from here, but I really can't find anywhere on the threads of others that have and that makes me nervous. Thanks all!
  2. K

    ID please

    What in the world is this? It was in a Goniopora alt=""> alt="">
  3. K

    PAR Meter

    Not sure where to put this, but does anyone have a PAR meter that i can borrow for a few days? If not that's ok, but it would be very helpful if i can. I'm going to use it to measure the LED fixture I just built for a prop tank, but i don't know how much light i'm getting for the corals. Thanks.
  4. K

    2.5 Pico Build

    Here's the new tank. It's a 2.5g that i picked up from Wal-Mart a while back. I had used it for a tank before, but decided not to do it anymore because of a reason i can no longer remember... yeah. Dirty, but here it is. alt=""> With sand alt=""> Live rock and water. I pured the water onto...
  5. K

    Kellsindells 55g reef build

    I've put my build thread on RC. Leave me a comment or suggestions and let me know what you think! :D
  6. K

    Anenome Won't stick!

    I have a neon Anenome I bought about 4 or 5months ago and it won't hold to anywhere I put it. I held it in place for a few min and nothing. I've had others that stick easily and others that won't stop sticking, but this one just won't grab anything. Also, my Clowns won't host it. :cry: