What does live-rock and live-sand eat?

[It denitrifies your water, within limits. So it takes out nitrates.

LR and LS is filled with bacteria, that does the bulk of the job actually.]
[The rock itself is not live, it is just rock...Its the millions of fauna and bacteria that live on and in the rock that make it live, they will eat nutrients in your water column.]
[I did know the rock itself was not live :)

I just was not sure what the stuff on it ate or needed.

Does it need any of the following...
- Water Movement (I would think so to get the nitrate to the rock and sand)
- Lighting (?)
- Additives / Supplements

[Oh, some shred and pulverize paper currency into a fine slurry and feed that to the tank, others who are more into delayed gratification, will actually buy supplements, corals, fish, and any of many alternatives and feed the tank with those things - however, the end result seems to be the same...

Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in pairs to Cape Kennedy - Unknown.]
[Yea, Verily! Many gather unto Plano to be Healed and go forth. Others chose to remain the same, their inner Beauty to be revealed.

Or, in the words of a famous song from the late 50's..
"If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,
make an ugly girl your wife.
From my personal point of view,
get an ugly girl to marry you.
..man, I saw your wife the other day..and she's uuggglllyyyy!
..yeah, but she sho' can cook!
..oh, man..(trails off in a mumble)..."

The Rev. has tried both beauty and the great cooks and will reassure you that on a day-to-day basis, while beauty may fade, those cooking skills (ahem!) just get better and better - and God will reward you for your love and will make few the times your wife asks you if those jeans are making her butt look big.
Many are the Blessings of God!]
Does it need any of the following... - Water Movement (I would think so to get the nitrate to the rock and sand) - Lighting (?) - Additives / Supplements said:
Water movement is the most important, keep debris from settling in the rock and keep the nutrients flowing around them, and prevent dead spots. Water movement is key in any closed system.

Lighting, for the biological aspect of the rock, no however any corals that may be on the live rock may benifit from the light, as well as the coraline algae. Live rock doesnt need much for light but it won't look very good if you don't give it any :)

Additives, for just live rock the only additives you need are a good calcium/alkalinity suppliment. You likley won't need much, I'd invest in those 2 tests for sure though, especially if you want to get the coraline going well.]