These anemones are OFFICIALLY way too big

Bought a single nem on this board. After the move it split in to three pieces, the biggest of which was about 5-6 inches across, and now, well....


Forgive the quality, it was filmed on an ancient cell phone. I sold the smallest of the three splits shortly after it divided. These are *MOSTLY* spread out, but if they really relax they get a bigger.

My uncle has been watching the tank, and has only been doing water changes about every 6 weeks at 10% (!!!) for about a year. The anemones sure don't seem to mind, and in fact are thriving. I'll be taking one of these guys and the maroon clowns down with me to Houston but just wanted to share how an anemone I got on these boards was doing. This is a 90 gallon aquarium by the way, so those anemones are a good 18" to 24" across.