Test kits - How often?


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[How often should I be testing for various things in my tank?

Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, Alk, calcium.. etc......

I guess a lot of it depends on evaporation rate.

BTW, My tank is stable, but very small. (10g)]
[New to the Hobby? Once a week.

Got some experience? Every two weeks.

Really got it down? Once a month.

Senior Hobbyist? What's a test kit?

:laugh long:]
[i would recomend you test every time you add something new to your tank that size. Or anytime you see a dead hermit or snail or anything else. Thats in addition to once a week or so. Does that sound right Marc???]
[Rick - Exactly! :D

Ryan - Once a week is good enough. I did that for a very long time. After about 5 years, I switched to every 2 weeks (or 3 weeks or 4 weeks).]
[Since we are on the subject of test kits...what brands of kits do folks use, where do you get them, and what tests do you reccommend running for an easy softy tank? I've been keeping FO for several years, but just started with softies: shrooms, button polyps, anthelia, gsp, and pulsing xenia.

P.S. Marc, I'm bummed that I missed the meeting and the propagation workshop :cry: I guess I'll have to rely on the Calfo book.]
[The propagation workshop is next month. You can still attend, if you are a member.

I use Salifert test kits, a refractometer and a pH Pinpoint meter to get my results.]