Somebody, remind me about these snails again


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These particular snails sold on ebay:

Didn't we have a speaker warn us about these being either a cold water species or carnivorous? I can't recall, but have a feeling they aren't what we would want in our tanks.
Hummm... that may be the case. But I have had them in my tank for quite a while. Hardly ever see them. Occasionally I will see one on the glass, or run across one digging in the sand. Sometimes when I feed I might see a few pop up out of the sand. They kind of look like submarines surfacing :)
I have them in my tanks. They do a good job and as you can see are cheap. They are a dark brown color so you can see them easily and they reproduce like rabbits. I see egg sacks and little snails on a regular basis in the tanks. I don't know if they actually grow up due to predation but it does give me something else to look at in the tank. :lol: And by the way I ordered mine from the same guy on ebay. Ony a few did not survive the shipping and I did not aclimate at all. Just plopped them in the tank. :shock:
They're eastern mud whelks. Cold water species, their metabolism is revved up in our tanks, and they usually last about 6 months.
They are typically cooler water snails and theoretically should not be in our warmer tanks. That being said, I had acquired about 30 of these in the beginning days of my tank and they did just fine until our yellow wrasse decided it liked them better than the mana from heaven.
MAN I bought some of these for my tank too in hopes they would help with sand sifting and cleanup of old food. Hearing now that they should not be in our tanks makes me sad ... I like that they remind be of submarines lol :p are they really that destructive?
Thanks, y'all. I think it was Brian from Project DIBS that talked about them.