Snail killer - BUSTED


Premium Member
Okay... it all happened too quick for a picture but I just happened to walk in the room and caught my cleaner shrimp prying one of my new nerites off the glass, then he flipped it over and was just starting to dig into the shell. I moved in and shooed him away and moved the snail to the refugium. Resourceful little critters... I know the bristle worm population has cut back because of them :) but had no idea they were going for snails.
Neither have I and that's why I was so totally shocked to watch it do that, pry the snail off the glass and get ready to eat it. I had found a couple empty snail shells, but I just thought it was from natural death. They were larger, older nerite snails... from my very first clean up crew. I had cut back on feeding a bit.. I mean 2x day and not as much. I knew they were supplementing their diet with bristleworms, gammarus shrimp and pods.

I'd never read anything on this so I wanted to post this to let others know they are capable of it.
Arrgh... :evil: problem shrimp. He has definitley developed a taste for snails. I just caught him trying to remove another off the glass... but the worst part is he's already killed two more today. There are two new nerite shells on the sand bed. So I've moved all the nerites I can see into the refugium. He hasn't bothered the cerith or astrea snails... yet.