Seahorse Reference Articles - Including Raising Fry, Food

I've had a few PMs asking about our routine on raising our H. Erectus fry. Shaunda and I are by no means experts (we've had less than 100 fry born in the past 2 weeks in 2 pregnancies), but we had been reading for several months in preparation for our adults and fry and even then, were taken by surprise on the first batch of fry (just ask Nicki and Carolyn who received frantic calls and emails the day the first fry "appeared").

Shaunda and I will put something together about our routine, but for the most part, we follow the instructions outlined in the following articles (specific to H. Erectus fry but I am sure a lot applies to other horses) :

There are a lot of great articles on breeding (including seahorses other than Erectus), foods & nutrition, beginners guide, etc. found at:

I think the first article should be renamed "Erectus Raiser's Bible". I don't know how many times I have referred to it in the last year! LOL. Definitely all good info there!
