Sea hare question

I have a sea hare in my tank that seems to be doing great, I wanted to ask and see if anyone can tell me if it will be okay to add a decorator crab and or peppermint shrimp to my tank or do you think they may attack my sea hare?
I can't speak for the decorator, but I've had 3 hares at different times and my peppermints, large or small, have never bothered any of them.
I'm 99% sure my cleaner shrimp killed two sea hares. I had one die and didn't think too much of it except it looked bloated around one of the foramen. I got another that I had in a different tank for a month so I put it in. Immediately the cleaner shrimp jumped on its back and started ripping stuff out of the foramen. I got him straight out into the sump but it died that night and was bloated around the foramen as well.
As always everyone's experience is different. I have noticed that shrimp steal food out of coral mouths in the past so I would say if you see similar behavior then I wouldn't mix them. Peppermint shrimp are pretty shy normally so I think less risk.
I will keep an eye on the situation, I have added a couple peppermint shrimp so I will have to really watch them. I appreciate you letting me know about your experience, I am wishing I had held off on adding them now :-/ but I am really hoping it will go over well!