Rocks... Where to get them in the area


Premium Member
So I have another question. As a primer, I am setting up a 4'x4'x18" 175 gallons DT with a total water volume of around 250 gallons (without sand and rock calculated in). My plan has been to start with dry rock and seed the tank with a small piece of live rock (if I can get some from a source I trust). I want to be very careful about the live rock, and don't want to regret it 2-5 years down the road when the tank is overrun with pests. I have also heard that getting "used" dry rock off craigslist and such isn't the best idea. I want something that I can assume is reasonably clean and won't cause many issues after proper curing.

I have been looking at Pukani first and foremost. I like the idea of being able to shape it easier and the natural holes are attractive as refuge for pods and such.

I am open to suggestions though as my experience is 0 thus far. This is another item I would be more than willing to buy locally if the price would be lower.

So a few questions:

1. Does anyone know of a better base rock that I should look at?
2. Is there anywhere locally that has great prices on base rock?

3. I will be curing the rock in a brute trash can with a pump to circulate the water. Can this be done outside in my shed (no AC) with our 90 degree temps? Or will I need to make room in a closet?