Nice recovery pic

When I bought this anemone I was sure he was a goner. At first I has to smash food and squirt it into his mouth with a syringe because he would not eat by himself. Let me say he's recovered beautifully. He now eats 2 silversides a day and looks pretty good IMO considering his previous condition. He moved the the very front of the tank up against the glass which is not my first choice of locations but if he's happy Im happy.I got him on Nov 7 2005 so the bottom two pics are about 2 months later. The first pic is the day I got him. He's a whole lot bigger than I would have ever though possible. He was maybe 4" when I got him. Now I would bet a ft across when opened up. He's a long tentacle by the way.

Thanks for the congrats. I'm really happy he made it at all and he does look pretty now. I honestly had no hope of him living but he pulled through. These guys are tougher than I ever would have thought. I saw a huge change in him when the clown started hosting. At first I guess they knew he was sick and they wouldn't have anything to do with him. I knew he must be getting better when they started hosting. He colored up within just a few the clown takes the silversides (and everything else)from the top of the tank down to him. I'll tell Nemo yall think he did a great job. :D
