newsletter via email - May hobby club newsletter

Fish Think Pink

Club Secretary
Staff member
Board of Directors
2024-May Newsletter - cover.png
Earlier today, everyone who is a member should have received an email newsletter. Email newsletters are sent to whichever email account you have setup under your personal account information. Email newsletters go out to both types of website members - Free and Premium (paid). If you have become DFWMAS member thru only FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, R2R or TikTok, then please also register here at website so you can be eligible for all upcoming giveaways!!

To create free DFWMAS account to vote photo contests and enter upcoming giveaways open to all, please go:

If interested in upgrading to Premium Member DFWMAS account, please go:

If you could not locate your email newsletter (sometimes they go to junk or spam folders), then below is a copy of May newsletter sent earlier today (in PDF form for here):


  • DFWMAS May Newsletter 2024.pdf
    566.1 KB · Views: 4
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