New 140 after 20+ Year old tank started Leaking


Premium Member
My 20+ year old tank that Planet built for me ages ago finaly stared dripping, so I made the decision to go a bit shorter and old tank was 7' long. My new one is a 140 and looks fantastic...another Planet Aquarium tank....looking for another 20 years. I can only sing the praises of these aquarium builders...they rock and they build a fantastic product.
In doing all these changes I now have to revamp my old sump to a new one with new technology and practices. Stay tuned to my adventure in sumps and rerouting the plumbing I have running now.


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Reef Octopus Super SRO-3000EXT External Protein Skimmer was a skimmer I purchased for my larger tank and used it for about a month before realizing it was too big for it.....any recommendations on a skimmer for my new tank.
I want to keep my auto cleaner top, that I got for the big skimmer if that is possible.
I want to go internal as I am getting a new sump as my old design wont work with this new aquarium setup.
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