Humble Fish Makes Progress On Uronema Treatment – Finds Ruby Reef Rally + Copper Power Effective
Salem Clemens2 days ago
Last week Bobby Miller of Humble Fish posted that he had made progress in his war against Uronema. He reported the following:
“Ruby Reef Rally: At the very least, treatment appears to be successful at preventing the spread of Uronema in the water. Dose 3ml/gallon every 24 hours for at least 5 days, while simultaneously using Copper Power @ 2.2-2.3 ppm for 30 days. Note: Rally @ 3ml/gallon does appear to negatively impact biological filtration so keep a close eye on the tank’s ammonia level.”
For several months Mr. Miller has been working on new treatments for Uronema. Ruby Reef Rally has long been on the market and it’s combination of active ingredients Formalin, Acriflavine and Aminoacridine have been of interest to many on the cutting edge of marine disease treatment.
In the following months Mr. Miller will continue refining a procedure for Uronema – to stay up to date follow along with the forum here:

Focused - I'm gonna kick Uronema's ass!
...Or maybe it will kick my ass! What will ultimately happen?? TLDR (reserved for test results): Ruby Reef Rally: At the very least, treatment appears to be successful at preventing the spread of Uronema in the water. Dose 3ml/gallon every 24 hours for at least 5 days, while simultaneously...

If you’re interested in buying Ruby Reef Rally you can do so here:
Shop The Best Saltwater Aquarium Equipment & Supplies at Saltwater Aquarium. We Carry Everything you will Need for your Fish Tank.

To see the whole article, which is everything above, then please go to this thread:

Humble Fish Makes Progress On Uronema Treatment - Finds Ruby Reef Rally + Copper Power Effective | Reef Builders | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog
Last week Bobby Miller of Humble Fish posted that he had made progress in his war against Uronema. He reported the following: “Ruby Reef Rally: At the very least, treatment appears to be successful at…