How are you guys doing it ???????

Click the 'profile' button at the top of the screen, then select the 'profile' tab. Then select the 'signature' tab. Pate the [ img] tag in there.
ok so once I check it once it stays on right?

How do I make it a link like yours!?!

thanks for helping the newb out! :lol:
yeah, I had to help them take down that ride thing last night so I didnt get a chance to clean it like you suggested. I did notice the worm things on there like you said. I will clean it tonight! :)
Well I got the Lighthouse controller and it is perfect for what I need. Brian (Serk) helped this weekend clean up my wireless router mess and the home network and I got the signature working this morning without any problems. Even have the widget installed on two of my computer with real time stats on the desk top.